Saturday Before The Show
Saturday...Mom and I went into the city (had the extra ticket, and the person I was supposed to go with bailed out). I knew that Nea and the group were meeting at Carnegie cards and gifts. I was nervous that I would miss them so I called the place beforehand and told them to be on the lookout for a large group of women..and tell them I'm on my way.
I got to the place, but no one was there :(
But fortunately the guy behind the counter did say that there was a small group of women there beforehand who were going either to "Rue 22" or Wolf's Deli. We checked "Rue 22" no sign of anyone. So then we checked Wolf's deli, and sure enough...we were in luck ;-)
We joined April, Anne Duddy, Nea, Mo, Shari, Mel, Madeline, Shay, and Karen. Afterwards we went to the Best Western, hung in April and Anne's room.
Click here to see the pictures of me and the gang dining with Scott!